ILogger.BeginScope affects only loggers created by the same LoggerFactory
Applies to: ASP.NET Core 2.2 and the ApplicationInsights ILogger provider (but may also apply to other providers)
I’ll start with the conclusion, because somebody else worded it well this article: “Because logging scopes are pretty loosely defined within the Core framework, it pays to always test how scopes are handled within the particular logging library you are using. There is no way for certain to say that scopes are even supported, or that they will be output in a way that makes any sense.”
That being said, it appears that in ASP.NET Core 2.2 (with logging set up using the default DI) innerLogger
will not recognize the scope unless outerLogger
was created by the same LoggerFactory instance.
Both these loggers are instances of Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Logger and are containers for the actual logger implementations which you’ve actually set up your DI, in my case ApplicationInsightsLogger. If you click the links and look at the BeginScope
implementation of each of those classes you’ll that see they use a IExternalScopeProvider
which is indeed managed instance level by LoggerFactory.
How did I get into such trouble as to have my loggers built by different factory instances in my ASP.NET Core Pages app? Here’s how:
I created the innerLogger
using the factory instance above, in the Startup class class, while simply letting ASP.NET Core’s DI (which apparently used a different factory instance) to inject the outerLogger
into my page model as below:
This pickle I was in was a code smell so a bit of refactoring was needed to ensure that all of the loggers in my user code were instantiated and injected by DI, thus removing the need for receiving the ILoggerFactory
in the constructor. But the lesson I took from here is that the ILogger API and its implementations are not yet in .NET Core 2.2 at a level of standardization that make programming against interfaces and changing providers as predictable an experience as I would like it to be. On the bright side, though, it seems that BeginScope is being reimplemented in .NET CORE 3.